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Vivo X9 and How to Use it in Portrait Mode With the ever-growing popularity of phone photography, Vivo X9 introduced a new feature called ‘Portrait Mode’. This feature uses advanced algorithms to capture portrait images with stunning clarity and depth effect. Portrait mode is a great way to make your subjects pop and give your photographs a professional look. In this article, we will be exploring how to use the Portrait mode on Vivo X9. Enabling Portrait Mode To start capturing photos with portrait mode on Vivo X9, follow these easy steps: 1. Start the Camera 2. Swipe Left to Right, from the camera options select portrait mode icon 3. Position your subject in a well-lit area, this enhances the clarity of the subject 4. Focus on the subject by tapping on it, this enables the camera to clearly capture the subject. 5. Press the shutter button to capture the image. Now that you have enabled portrait mode, what other elements should be considered when capturing a photo? Lighting Lighting is a critical issue when it comes to capturing portrait mode photos. A right amount of light can significantly improve the quality of your portrait photo. The Vivo X9 camera provides a variety of ways to regulate the lighting of your photo. You can manually adjust the exposure time or ISO in the in-camera settings menu to control how much light enters the camera sensor. Distance and Shooting Angle Getting the exact distance and shooting angle is important when taking portrait photos. Typically, for portrait photo, the subject should be at a distance of 2 to 3 feet away from the camera. This is because it enables the camera to capture the subject without any deformation. Shooting at a low angle from a level below the subject or angularly to it can also create good results as an alternative to capturing the image at the level of the subject’s face. Composition of the Image The composition of the image is as essential as its quality. Even though portrait mode enables you to capture a subject against a blurred background, the background should still be chosen carefully. The background should not divert attention away from the subject or cause distraction. The use of textures, shapes, colors and lines incorporated in the background can create an interest in the viewers. Conclusion With portrait mode, Vivo X9 users can capture portrait photos that emphasize the subject and blur the background to create a stunning image. Hopefully, with the aid of the tips above, one can compose the perfect portrait photo. This is just a mere introduction to using the portrait mode feature on Vivo X9. Further exploration on its scaling options, its ability to provide a more natural look with customized filters and its autofocus modes will only make users appreciate X9 further.


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